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Pre-commit Template¤

Provides a set of configuration files to standardize pre-commit hooks across repos.

copier is used to render a pre-commit config and associated tool configurations based on answers to a survey during the setup phase.

Quick Start¤


We will use pipx to install and run applications from isolated globally-available python environments.

Some pre-commit hooks (hadolint, prettier, shellcheck), expect to find the tool available in your path. You may need to install them.

Install copier and pre-commit¤

# install copier and its dependencies
pipx install copier
pipx inject copier copier-templates-extensions jinja2-time
# we want to manage pre-commit, so ensure it is available
pipx install pre-commit

Generate your custom configuration with copier docs¤

  1. Run copier in your local repo
copier copy --trust "gh:ninerealmlabs/precommit.template" "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
  1. Answer the questionnaire

Copier will render your configuration based on your selection. Then it will commit these new changes automatically (but it will not push the commit). This allows you to have a clean git status before running pre-commit run --all-files to ensure your repo is in compliance with your new configuration.

  1. Run pre-commit run --all-files and fix any errors that pre-commit's checks have found

  2. Commit


(opinionated) configuration of formatting and linting tools, including:

  • EditorConfig - Maintains consistent coding styles across various editors and IDEs
  • hadolint - A smarter Dockerfile linter that ensures best practice Docker images
  • markdownlint - A tool to check markdown files and flag style issues
  • Prettier - Opinionated code formatter (JS, TS, JSON, CSS, HTML, Markdown, YAML)
  • ruff - An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter
  • shellcheck - A static analysis tool for shell scripts (sh, bash)
  • typos - A source code spell checker
  • yamllint - A linter for YAML files

Dependencies and Gotchas¤

Other (unrelated) project setup tools¤

Update your custom configuration with copier docs¤

!! DO NOT MANUALLY UPDATE copier-answers file!!

  1. Navigate to project directory: cd <git project dir>
  2. Ensure a feature branch is checked out.
  3. Commit (or stash) current work. Copier will not work with "unclean" file statuses.
  4. Run copier update. This will try to render files based on the latest release of common:
copier update --trust . --answers-file .copier-answers.yaml

If copier is unable to resolve the diff between current and latest revisions, it will create *.rej files that contain the unresolved differences. These must be reviewed (and resolved/implemented) prior to commit (this is enforced by pre-commit)

What does copier update do?¤

copier documentation provides a good overview of how the update process works -- but TLDR:

  • It renders a fresh project from the latest template version
  • Then it compares current vs new to get the diffs
  • Next it updates the current project with the latest template changes (asking confirmation)
  • Finally, it re-applies the previously obtained diff, and then run the post-migrations

Local development¤

  1. Install development dependencides
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Test updates

You can run precommit-template to update itself using:

# use current branch's committed files ("HEAD") to run precommit-template on itself
copier recopy --trust --vcs-ref "HEAD" /path/to/precommit-template /path/to/precommit-template  --answers-file .copier-answers.yaml